
A Play About Cottaging, The Victimless 'Crime'


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With a clear departure from other plays that dealt with specific political themes challenging patriarchy, religion and psychiatry this play dealt with sexual conduct between men in a public setting. Cottaging was a risky business because of the danger of police entrapment leading to public exposure in the courts and possible ruin with the loss of friends, family, reputation and jobs. Several gay men from the community had been the victims of police entrapment, arrest and prosecution. The unjustness of being convicted of a 'criminal offence' in which there were no victims and the dangers and pleasures involved in cottaging are the main themes in the play. The play also challenged, in a comedic way, the notion that cottaging was giving respectable homosexuals a bad name with a fantasy piece about an unsuccessful attempt by local authorities to provide purpose built facilities against the tawdriness of decay and rot.

The scenery was designed to resemble the interior of a cottage complete with stained urinals and brick walls and the play opens with men engaging silently in furtive sexual encounters. Ambulance man John Aston, in the next scene, puts up with male chauvinist 'banter' about poofs and women from his workmates who regard him as a 'wibbly wobbly' liberal. He is married with children and later interrogated by the police for cottaging. As a result of public exposure he loses his job, his wife and children. In another scene 'council' people at the entrance and inside a cottage, like canvassers for charitable causes, fail to persuade the inhabitants to improve facilities. They much prefer the atmospherics of a 'forty watt bulb' , peeling walls and the frisson of danger in a comedy of errors where the council people are at first mistaken for the police and later propositioned for sex. A cottager is castigated for bringing left wing politics into the place with the retort that "What I do in bed has nothing to do with whether I vote Conservative or Labour. I've even been to bed with a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Great Britain." The courtroom scene is a travesty of justice with the judge clearly biased against the defendant.

The play was a confused mixture of different perspectives on cottaging and the script was obviously the work of several hands. Though there were some very moving speeches in the play from the person caught cottaging and some very good songs it could be argued that the play made light of a serious subject given people's lives were ruined by public exposure and a criminal record. Even so the boat was pushed out by insisting that cottaging was a legitimate activity to engage in and that convictions for gross indecency were cruel and unjust.

Recently after a long campaign the Good Law Project and Terry Stewart, a former member of the Brixton Gay Community, overturned the sentences of thousands of gay men convicted over the years and police records will be removed though unfortunately too late for those that have died.


  • I saw you standing in the doorway

    I saw you passing through the light

    I felt you standing at my shoulder

    I want to touch you, feel you touching me.

    You were standing there for minutes

    Time was sliding on ice

    I saw the movement in your fingers

    I want to touch you, feel you touching me.

    Not for a decade or for a life time

    Not for a day not for an hour

    It's enough for me this moment

    To hold you, to have you pressing your body in mine.

    To feel you hand in motion

    Subtle pressures on my thigh

    Heated veins and swelling as I touched you

    As I feel you touching me

    Although I don't know you

    I didn't have to see your face

    To know of your expression

    As I touch you, as I feel you touching me

  • Wake up and live

    Come on along and Cottage

    It's really fun

    No matter what the time is

    Morning or evening

    Come on along and give it a whirl

    Don't be afraid

    We've got a Council look-out

    Warning of cops before

    They've time to get their book out

    Don't hesitate now

    You'll find it great now

    To live

    - have a wank while you piss -

  • Come out of your shell

    Hey fellar

    Find your place in the stalls

    Come out of your shell

    Enjoy it

    Wanking is fun

    So what the hell

    Whoever you are

    Wherever you're going

    Traveling on BR*

    Or just going trolling

    Don't give the piss hole a miss

    Join the queue for any loo

    Grab your share of bliss

    *British Rail

  • Come out of your shell

    Get wanking

    Find yourself a nice loo

    Don't stand there and wait

    Get wanking

    Ignore all those bores

    Who're just in to urinate

    If you have the time

    Just go into a closet

    Wave to the man

    With whom you wish to share it

    Grab him and give him a hug

    You'll me just as cosy

    As a bug in a rug

  • I didn't know his name

    He never dared to say

    But he came cruisin' here

    Most every working day

    I guess he had a wife

    I guess a family

    I was just glad he found

    Something to love in me

    And Christ this morning's cold

    I guess that it's over now

    There'll be other men

    Other times to find them

    Another cottage door

    But I'll recall the time when

    We'd smile without a word

    My fingers feel his skin

    My tongue inside his mouth

    His cock shoves gently in

    And Christ this morning's cold

    I guess that it's over now

  • We're having a party in the cottage tonight

    We've got all the booze so turn on the light

    He's got the jelly, I've got the cake

    They'll be rockin' in the cottage

    Shake jelly shake.

    We're having a party in the cottage tonight

    We've got all the booze so turn on the light

    We're tire of the hiding, the fear and the shame

    We're all coming out and staking our claim

    It's our cottage (repeat 3 times)

    And we love it

    To hell with the laws

    To hell with the pigs

    If we stand together

    We'll be so big